Pictures during the book launching and discussion of Growing Up in Malaysia – Musings of A Common Man by Dr Khong Kim Hoong
In conjunction with the publication of the memoir entitled Growing Up in Malaysia: Musings of a Common Man by Dr Khong Kim Hoong; academician, former student activist, and PSR’s Director, a book launching and discussion was held on 25th October 2024 at HELP University, Kuala Lumpur.
The discussion session was chaired by Emeritus Prof. Dato’ Dr. Abdul Rahman Embong and were joined by fellow panelists; Datuk Professor Dr. Paul Chan, Chancellor of HELP University, Dr. Yoong Suan, Former Associate Professor at USM and Fahmi Reza, Social Activist & Political Graphic Designer. The book was formally officiated by Prof. Dr Jomo Kwame Sundaram, Research Advisor for Khazanah Research Institute.
Being at the forefront of student movement in the tumultuous socio-political period of Malaysia in the Sixties, Dr Khong Kim Hoong’s lived experiences, as quipped by Prof. Jomo K.S is far from being common:
“Contrary to this book’s title, Musings of a Common Man, Khong Kim Hoong is no common man. Nor is the book merely of his musings. Instead, most of this volume consists of his memoirs, organised by periods, occasionally highlighting significant episodes. He belongs to the one per cent of his age cohort who secured tertiary education in early post-colonial Malaya. More significantly, he took a path less taken to eventually become a major radical student leader at a significant conjuncture in the history of post-colonial Malaysia.”
The memoir can be purchased exclusively on our Shopee HERE.